Can Notion and Google Calendar Sync? Here’s How

  • Can Notion sync with Google Calendar?
  • how to sync with Google Calendar

The notion has become a favorite for many because of its all-in-one workspace. It’s where tasks, notes, and projects come together.

On the other hand, Google Calendar helps people manage time better, tracking events and schedules in one place.

Can Notion Sync With Google Calendar

The straight answer? No. Notion doesn’t directly sync with Google Calendar out of the box. But wait, before you get upset, there’s more to the story. While Notion hasn’t given us a direct way to link these two, many people have found some tricks to make them work together.

Few third-party tools out there can help bridge the gap between Notion and your Google Calendar.

So, even if it’s not direct, with a bit of setup, you can still have your Notion tasks and events show up on your calendar.

How to Add Google Calendar in Notion

Step 1: Get Your Google Calendar Link

First, go to your Google Calendar on your computer.

On the left side, find the calendar you want to add to Notion. Hover over it.

Click on the three dots that show up next to the calendar name. This will open more options.

Choose “Settings and sharing”.

On the new page, find the “Integrate calendar” section. Here, you’ll see a link labeled “Public URL to this calendar”. This is the link you want. Copy it.

Step 2: Open Notion

  1. Now, open Notion.
  2. Open the page where you want to add the calendar.
  3. Click on the “+ Add a block” option. You’ll see many block options.

Step 3: Embed the Calendar

  1. In the block options, find the “Embed” block and choose it.
  2. A new box will show up saying “Embed Link”. Here, paste the Google Calendar link you copied earlier.
  3. Click the “Embed Link” button below the box.

Step 4: Adjust Size and View

  1. After you embed, you might see a lot of empty space or the calendar might look too small.
  2. No worries! Hover over the calendar inside Notion. You’ll see some small white dots on its edges.
  3. Drag these dots to adjust the calendar size. Make it big or small, as you like.
  4. You can also click on the calendar to open Google Calendar options. Here, you can choose if you want a daily view, weekly view, or monthly view.

Google Calendar Sync With Notion Using Zapier

Step 1: Get Started with Zapier

To begin, you’ll want to use Zapier. It’s a tool that helps different apps talk to each other. You’ll use it to make Notion and Google Calendar work together.

  • First up, go to the Zapier website.
  • If you don’t have an account, make one. If you already do, just log in.

Step 2: Set Up Your Zap

In Zapier, a “Zap” is like a bridge between two apps. You’ll make one for Notion and Google Calendar.

  • Start by choosing Notion as your “trigger” app. This means when something happens in Notion, Zapier will notice.
  • Next, pick Google Calendar as the “action” app. This means after Zapier notices the Notion action, it will tell Google Calendar to do something.

Step 3: Decide What to Share

Here, you’ll pick what info goes from Notion to Google Calendar.

  • Maybe you want the date and time of a Notion task to show up in Google Calendar.
  • Or maybe you want the details of the task, like what it’s about, to be there too.
  • Make sure you pick what fits what you want.

Step 4: Test Your Zap

After everything’s set up, give it a try.

  • Add a new task in Notion and see if it pops up in Google Calendar.
  • If it does, good job! If not, check your Zap settings again.

Zapier: This tool lets Notion and Google Calendar communicate. Setting up a Zap makes the magic happen.

Choosing what to share: Decide on the specific details that move from Notion to your calendar. This ensures you get the info you want, right where you need it.

Test: After setting things up, always do a quick check. This makes sure everything runs smoothly.

Stay organized: With this setup, your planning gets a whole lot easier. Enjoy the benefits of having your tools work together!